Boris civic association
- is a voluntary non-profit civil association with legal personality that strives to realize the goals stated in its statutes. The subject of the activity is the creation and organization of cultural events that will contribute to the spread of artistic values. The association can cooperate with domestic and foreign entities whose activities and goals are close to the goals of the association.
- It assumes freedom of artistic expression at meetings, events, workshops and literary and other events.
- was officially established on April 12, 2010
- The Boris civic association consists of the Board of Directors and the chairman. In addition to the chairman, it also has its representatives, vice-chairman and a rich membership base, which is also formally covered by the Teatro Colorato.
About Boris
He is the mascot and prominent personality of Teatro Colorato. The Civic Association was also named in his honor. His parentage is unknown, as are his parents. It is certain that it comes from Russia. Full name: Boris the Optimist. He was adopted to Slovakia. We know that during the times of totalitarianism he spent his childhood behind bars - in the Moscow Zoo. He currently works in Slovakia. He often moderates various events; especially youth meetings across the country. As a participant, he took part in various international and world meetings. He is a great traveler. During his European stay, he visited many countries and cities (France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Spain, Portugal, Monaco, Holland, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina).
In 2003, while washing in an automatic washing machine, he suffered a severe neck injury and Eustachian tube injury, as a result of which he had to be hospitalized at PBK KE (Prva Bábkarská Klinika in Košice), where he was successfully rehabilitated thanks to the professional intervention of doctors (especially thanks to the primary care physician MVDr. Viera Šebejová) . Perhaps he experienced the greatest trauma in 2011 in Madrid, where three young Japanese fans wanted to buy him off for a terrible sum (perhaps even into slavery!). Immediately after that, on the sandy beach in Alicante, he received a branded wristwatch (branded as HIP-HOP) from Slovak pilgrims, and the whole situation calmed down considerably.
He is also engaged in lecturing. He likes to lecture about his difficult time behind bars and the need for freedom in a "human" society. However, he often gives lectures at a very specific time - between two and three in the morning. He claims that this is the most appropriate time for this type of lecture. In the future, he plans to publish on this topic. publication entitled: "Hikogda bolshe". In addition to Russian, he knows several languages. He speaks Slovak, Czech, partly English and Italian. He is very popular in the team; has a large fan base - especially female fans. You can find out more observations on his funpage.