V4 Improv Connect: The Show
podujatie Funnylicious Improv Theater
Join us for an unparalleled evening of creativity, theater, and spontaneous storytelling as Funnylicious Theater hosts a landmark event in improvisational theater. "V4 Improv Connect" brings together actors from across the Visegrád countries and beyond, including Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Slovenia, and North Macedonia, for a one-night-only performance that promises to be as unpredictable as it is unforgettable.
This special performance is part of a broader initiative supported by the Visegrad Fund to elevate improvised theater to new heights, demonstrating its profound impact and versatility beyond the realm of comedy and introducing this profound art form to a wider audience across five cities. The 5-city show tour kicks off in Bratislava and is free of charge to the audience as a testament to the project’s core values of collaboration, recognition, accessibility, and inclusivity.
Featuring International Cast from:
Funnylicious Theater (Slovakia)
Itt és Most Társulat (Hungary)
České národní improvizační divadlo, z.s. (Czechia)
Fundacja Teatr Wschodni (Poland)
Macedonian Center of International Theater Institute (North Macedonia)
Unofficial Partners:
IGLU Theatre (Slovenia)
Flow Színház - Flow Theatre (Budapest)
Performed in English, this fully improvised theatrical showcase brings together an international ensemble of actors, all stars in their respective theaters. They will create a one-of-a-kind performance right before your eyes, blending wit, spontaneity, and artistic brilliance.
Don’t miss this opportunity to witness the magic of live improv theater and celebrate the rich cultural tapestry of the V4 region and its neighbors.
Tickets: FREE. Book your seats today at https://www.yesticket.org/
For more information about the V4 Improv Connect project, visit: